Resident Information

Dear SRCCC Resident:

First, we want to welcome you as your hopeful new journey in life begins.

While you participate in your program, recognize that many challenging days lie ahead. While here at SRCCC, you will be asked to examine your previous lifestyles and begin to commit to changing your life for the better. Although you will have good days and challenging days, know that your hard work and dedication will result in a more solid foundation for your life and the future for your loved ones as well.

While in the program, please follow your tailored individual treatment plan and work with all staff to resolve any problems, most especially your assigned case manager.

Remember, as is true for us all, responsibility = freedom.

We wish you great luck- we are here to assist you in your new pro-social journey to success.

Mike Beebe, Executive Director

Video Visitation

As of May 5, 2023, in person visitation has been suspended at SRCCC. SRCCC provides residents the opportunity to utilize video visitation through ICSolutions.  Residents are responsible to schedule their video visits around program obligations.

Video visitation is permitted until 10:55 pm, with the exception of Friday, Saturday, and holiday evenings, at which time video visitation will be permitted until 12:25 am.

All video visitation is subject to monitoring.

Video visiting may be restricted due to violation of facility rules. Lewd acts and behavior, violates the facility Video Visiting protocol and may result in visiting restriction for both the resident and offending visitor.

Visitation Rules

Q: How can I visit an resident?

A: An resident may request to place your name on his or her visiting list. The staff forwards a visiting application to you for completion. You may also find additional visitation information residing on each institution’s webpage, which you can find here. Once applications are submitted, the staff reviews the application and approves or denies per the visiting policy.

Q: When can I visit an resident? 

A: Dates and times in which visits are permitted vary, and can be found on each institution’s webpage. The individual that you wish to visit is responsible for sending you the guidelines to follow, and the visiting schedule.

Q: Who do I address the visitor application to?

A: The visitor application can be addressed to the resident’s case manager.

Q: Who should witness my visitor application?

A: You can leave this section blank on the visitor application.

Q: Can I visit a hospitalized offender, either in the facility hospital or in an outside hospital?   

A: Yes. In the Facility Hospital offenders may be visited for limited periods of time by persons on their visitor record, an attorney, or authorized individual. At an Outside Hospital offenders may receive visitors only with the permission of the doctor, and within the rules of the hospital. Visiting times are only during regular hospital visiting hours, and will not exceed two hours, unless the offender is on the critical list. An offender may be visited only by the following: spouse, mother, father, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, and legal guardian. Visits by individuals must be approved by Warden, Deputy Warden, or the Shift Commander.

Q: Can I visit if I am on parole or probation? 

A: Yes. Probationers and parolees must have the prior permission of the Warden and the written permission of their probation or parole officer.